
Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2015 - jury to decide on the best design concepts of the year

As the end of the late submission period draws to a close, the Red Dot jury eagerly waits to adjudicate the latest collection of futuristic and innovative design concepts, prototypes and ready to launch products that could revolutionise our way of life. The Red Dot jury is the figurehead of the Red Dot Design Award, which is comprised of twenty international acclaimed designers, professors, and specialised journalists and publishers. Thanks to their experience and know-how, these experts are able to assess also the cultural characteristics of design. This way, they  will guarantee the high quality of the competition.

To further an unbiased environment, entries presented to the jury are without name, picture or corporate logo of the designers. The jury has no association with the concepts submitted. If there is a concept in which a jury member is involved, the expert will be abstain from judging.

“Keep it down to one strong idea! A concept idea smothered in too many ‘add-on ideas’ will drown in a muddy noise”, advised Nils Toft, Red Dot juror in this year’s competition. There is still a chance of being awarded with the Red Dot, the sought-after seal for outstanding design and creativity! The best concepts and prototypes can be submitted before 20 May 2015.

The jury of the Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2015

Dirk Schumann, Germany
Gordon Bruce, USA
Kazuo Tanaka, Japan
Prof. Carlos Hinrichsen, Chile
Prof. Danny Venlet, Belgium
Prof. Dr. Ken Nah, South Korea
Prof. Jure Miklavc, Slovenia
Prof. Kuan Cheng-Neng, Taiwan
Prof. Lu Xiaobo, China
Prof. Lutz Fuegener, Germany
Prof. Martin Darbyshire, United Kingdom
Prof. Masayo Ave, Germany
Prof. Song Kee Hong, Singapore
Nils Toft, Denmark
Patrick Chia, Singapore
Raj Nandan, Australia
Simon Ong, Singapore
Takashi Yamada, Canada/Japan
Wolfgang K. Meyer-Hayoz, Switzerland
Young-Kil Cho, South Korea

» Red Dot jury 2015

Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2015

Registration periods (up until and including):
Standard submission: 29 January 2015 - 25 March 2015
Late submission: 26 March 2015 - 20 May 2015

Judging: June 2015
Awarding ceremony: 25 September 2015
Exhibition of the winning products from 26 September 2015 

» Further information and registration