We Are Social Deutschland GmbH

We Are Social, founded by Nathan McDonald and Robin Grant, is a global creative agency with top-notch social media expertise. With 19 offices spanning four continents, the agency’s creative minds harness capabilities within the global network and often find themselves working on solutions in exciting collaborative relationships. They have obviously hit on the right approach, as is evident by a recent project for Audi with the artist Andrés Reisinger, which met with an exceptional response.

Interview with We Are Social Deutschland GmbH

Red Dot: The collaboration with Andrés Reisinger involved the joint development of Audi’s first ever digital artwork for Design Miami 2022. What were you aiming to achieve with the presentation?
We Are Social Deutschland GmbH: We focused on creating a holistic “digital to physical” campaign, which culminated in an immersive brand experience that inspired our audience and positioned Audi as a “designer amongst the designers” in Miami. “Sphere” visualises a lifestyle and offers a glimpse into a vision of the future conceived by Audi and Andrés Reisinger, in which people, technology and nature coexist in harmony – inspired by the new driving experience of the Audi grandsphere concept. Rather than overload the artwork with messages, we felt it was important for it to actually be subjectively perceived as art, leaving scope for personal interpretation and evoking positive emotions – in both automotive fans and art aficionados.

What was your experience in working with the artist?
It was a collaborative, intensive, transparent and honest meeting of minds. Andrés Reisinger only works with brands on a very selective basis, so we were keen to take the time to understand him as an artist and a person, and ultimately to create a campaign with the signatures of both the brand and the artist.

The partnership also led to a revision of the brand look. How did that come about?
Andrés Reisinger is famous not just for his inimitable style as an artist, but also for “Reisinger pink”, the signature colour that features in the majority of his works. We wanted to combine his colour world with that of Audi to create a look that people identify with, and one that would appeal to our community: warm, radiant, soft, positive, approachable and emotionally charged.

Why was a physical presentation in addition to the virtual presentation in Miami so important to you?
An immersive experience is one that involves all the senses. So we set up an elaborate installation with perfect sound and lighting, as well as the artwork on an oversized screen, and merged it with the adjacent Audi grandsphere concept to offer guests, fans, journalists and design experts a superlative and immersive brand experience.

What does it take to develop positive and attractive future visions?
Creativity, passion, a positive mindset and the belief that you have the ability to make the world a more beautiful or even better place with your work.