
CONVERGE 2016 – a new form of conference

From 20 to 21 September, product designers, developers and innovators will come together at the CONVERGE 2016. For two days, big names of the industry will give lectures on the latest developments from the field of virtual design creations in the course of the new conference series initiated by the software company solidThinking. In the SANAA building Essen, Germany, participants can look forward to presentations of well known product developers. For workshops on crowd funding, design tools and methods, casted products design und additive manufacturing offer the opportunity to expand ones design knowledge under professional guidance. The aim of the programme is to give anyone interested the chance for creative exchange and networking and to create a new form of conference.

Symbiosis of design and technology

One of the keynote speakers is Professor Dr. Peter Zec, founder and CEO of Red Dot: “Design is more than an appealing look. Depending on the application, a truly innovative and well-designed product brings balance to the qualities of function, seduction, use and, be it in a social or environmental sense, responsibility“, says the design expert. “ I am very happy to be presenting at the CONVERGE event because the conference series focuses on the exciting symbiosis of design and technology, giving designers and product creators a new perspective on their work. Moving forward, especially in the competitive global product design market, real innovations can only derive from inspiration combined with the use of state-of-the-art design tools.”

Product innovations in Essen, Germany

Additionally, specialists from companies like RUAG Space, Philips, Alstom, Apworks, indigraf and Ferarri will talk about product innovations, challenges in the industry and solutions as well as the use of the latest technologies. Following the conference, the Red Dot Design Museum Essen will present an exclusive special exhibition in cooperaion with solidThinking starting on 20 September 2016. On 150 square meters, outstanding design examples and product innovations from clients and conference speakers will be shown for two weeks.

» Registration CONVERGE 2016