Judging Portal

How to use


Upon logging in, you will see:

  • Total number of entries, and the number of entries already scored.
  • Categories you will be judging.
  • Thumbnails of the entries.

To begin scoring, click on any thumbnail.


You will see the first page of the entry and a scoring panel.

Click the left and right arrows to view the other pages.

Click on the image to view a larger version of the page.


In the scoring panel, you will see:

  • The Entry ID and concept title
  • Whether the concept is ready to launch
  • Category
  • Scoring options
    • 10 means 'strongly recommend for final judging'.
    • 1 means 'not recommend for final judging'.
    • 0 means you abstain from scoring. 

'Save' your score to close the window.


After scoring, you will see a "scored" banner across the thumbnail.

"Logout" when you are done scoring for the day.