University: SCAD Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, GA, USA
Computer Animation
“Undiscovered” is a light-hearted, subtly humorous computer-animated short film which follows Sasquatch, a Canadian name for Bigfoot, on his quest for a good photo of himself. His attempts to jump into a photo before scaring away the hikers who were taking the picture are thwarted by the usual suspects – food in his teeth, closed eyes, mussed-up hair, an out-of-focus shot – and result every time in deleting the photo. The story is set in a forest with a scenery dominated by lush plants and trees. Although the colour concept changes in the course of the film, it always retains harmonious pastel tones.
University:SCAD Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, Georgia, USA
Design:Sara Litzenberger SCAD
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