The Serpentine Belt: Spinning through the riverbank.

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The Serpentine Belt is a U-shaped embankment dam project designed to mitigate the effects water disasters. The entire project consists of a U-shaped embankment that effectively defends against waves, as well as a riverside green belt that serves as a detention basin (to maximise drainage) and as buffer for the coast area. The Serpentine Belt will be more than just a functional landscape; it will be a splendid public park with multifunctional landscape design features. It hopes to create public plazas, children’s playgrounds, family rest areas, sports pavilions, and other amenities along this green belt that will enrich public activities throughout the entire park, and enhance what was previously a landscape of intersecting highways. This design has two goals. First, to use the U-shape embankment design to increase defence capability in extreme weather conditions such as typhoons or torrential rain. Second, to redesign the existing site configuration. The landscape design connects and integrates the existing green verges of the waterfront park, which were previously scattered all along the riverbank. With logical replanning, the functions and characteristics of the space become more systematic and coherent. 

Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Public Space

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