The Memory Recorder.

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The Memory Recorder is a packaging idea where the combination of new and old shapes intangible emotions. A casted packaging is moulded to kits of objects – cameras, typewriters and radios. The packaging preserves shadows of text and sounds, records abstract emotions and maintains interpersonal stories, moments and memories. Carrying the items across time, the modern objects coexist with an era of old things to create memories for the future. The camera kit comprises components needed for film exposure technology & digital image storage – camera lens, flash and shutter; an internal USB stores and uploads photos to turns them into a digital display. The typewriter kit is made for handwritten letters and button typing but modernised with a QWERTY keyboard which simplifies complex keyboards; each story will be recorded word by word. Lastly, the radio kit facilitates traditional cassette recording and modern radio play with simple speakers. The internal system employs push-type radio movements that emphasise the ups and downs of sound emotions. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Packaging

Red Dot

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