The memory in narrow slit-A story about emotions after the alley

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Alleys are an inconspicuous part of a city. Even with bright streets on both sides, they fit into the city like a round peg in a square hole. They serve as an extension to the urban life of a city, adapting to changing functions, their states always in flux. Activities here are organic and unrestricted, encouraging informal creations. In the early writings of Ye Shitao, the old alley culture in Tainan revealed the hidden world of the ordinary people. Inspired by his profound observation of the human condition in these narrow strips of life, the project seeks to rejuvenate the alley space. The site in question is located in Tainan, Fan-Shu-Chi, past the sweet potato shops where the terrain is steep. Hundreds of years ago, it was a central market but after the Japanese Occupation and modern development, it gradually degenerated into an insignificant alley. Due to the restrictive nature of the lane, this project decided to break the spatial design and use lighter materials to build a living space that can be shared by residents. Most of the houses here are old and broken, but one catches a glimpse of the historical texture. With the new intervention, the alley now accommodates the daily lives of locals, while also serving as a space for information and discourse between residents and visitors. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Habitat

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