Song of Bird

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Unlike other animals, the sound of a bird is referred to as a song. In this project, bird songs are transcribed into real musical scores. Song of Bird is book and a visual compilation of these scores, accompanied by ornithological illustrations. Bird calls provided by NARIS (National Research Information System) are converted to scores using a computer programme that converts audio into sheet music. The accompanying illustrations are displayed in arch-shaped frames that serve as visual metaphors for a birdcage. This metaphor is revealed more intuitively on the book’s back cover, where a bird sits on cage-shaped arches. The book’s dimensions (200mm x 332mm) are heavily influenced by actual musical score books, so it is created in a larger size. Although the birdsongs are converted to scores by a computer, the font and colour scheme on the book cover are carefully selected to convey a graceful style that is reminiscent of a dignified music book. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Visual Communication

Red Dot: Best of the Best

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