No Hurt Fishhook

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No Hurt Fishhook is a type of fishhook designed for leisure anglers who only fish to experience the joy of the catch. However, once a fish hook impales the body of the fish, the damage caused to its body is likely to lead to bacterial infection and even death. Compared to traditional fishhooks, No Hurt Fishhook reduces the impact of the hook and minimises the fish’s suffering or its chances of dying, allowing the angler to release the fish back into the ocean alive. The hook comprises a spring mechanism and a balancing pole. When the fish takes the bite, it triggers the hook, which transforms into a stable triangular structure. Although the hook stays stuck in the fish’s mouth, not allowing it to escape, it prevents damage done to the fish. In this way, fishing enthusiasts can still experience the joy of the catch without causing any injury to the fish. The angler can then bring the fish home or release it.

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