Client: Blavity Inc., Los Angeles, USA
iPad Ad
Mercedes-Benz Night View Assist
The aim in designing the Mercedes-Benz iPad advertisement for Night View Assist was to bridge the gap between the typical flow of reading digital content and the effectiveness of advertisements. It was conceived as a double-layer version, which relies on the iPad’s normal swiping action to open as the user turns the page. The advertisement thus communicates the function of Night View Assist in a simple manner, demonstrating that it is possible to detect dangers early on when driving through a seemingly harmless night landscape.
Client:Daimler AG, Stuttgart
Design:Scholz & Volkmer GmbH, Wiesbaden
creative direction design:Anne Wichmann
art direction:Kathleen Sterzel, Martina Camps y Espinoza
concept:Andreas Daum, Christian Daul
project lead:Linda Rau
text:Uwe Todoroff
programming front end:Julia Niemeyer