
Formation GG – Eine visuelle Reise durch das Deutsche Grundgesetz

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The Basic Law for Germany (Grundgesetz, abbr.: GG) is the most important document of Germany’s democratic society. However, its significance is not fully appreciated amongst German people. The visual guide book “Formation GG” aims to build a bridge for interested citizens and non-citizens and enhances the understanding of and the interest in the constitutional law. Divided into four chapters, it illustrates the structure, formation and development of the Basic Law from its beginning in the year 1949 via historic reformations to its present state. By explaining the constitution through content analysis and information graphics “Formation GG” is highly comprehensible in particular for non-professional readers. The “visual journey” combines contemporary data graphics with retro fonts and colours into a compelling piece of didactic information design. Statement by the jury »The book “Formation GG” manages to convey the complex facts of the German constitution to outstanding effect, inspiring readers to further look into the subject matter. With various information graphics and typefaces, it visualises the content in an intelligent way. The work furthermore convinced the jury with the quality of its manufacture.«

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