Fenix Vehicle Emergency Flashlight

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When a vehicle is in danger of sinking in an accident, unbuckling the seatbelt and opening the doors and windows will be difficult. This puts the victims in jeopardy of being unable to escape. While waiting for help, they must first find a way to save themselves. This vehicle emergency flashlight is designed for this purpose of self-rescue and seeking assistance. It is small in size but powerful in performance. This essential flashlight has a seatbelt cutter for emergency situations and a tungsten steel window breaker that helps victims escape safely even when submerged in water. If the vehicle is involved in an accident or is in danger, the red flashing light sends out a distress signal. White lighting provides a 360-degree soft floodlight as well as a larger field of vision. Lastly, a magnetic base allows the flashlight to be attached to most metal surfaces, freeing up both hands. 

Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Illumination and Lighting

Red Dot

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