
Red Dot Design Ranking 2016 for design concepts

The Red Dot Institute filters the results of the Red Dot Design Award according to different criteria and calculates the design value of companies that have received the Red Dot on application. It creates job-related industry analyses and rankings, and develops studies for long-term design developments. The Red Dot Institute annually releases the Red Dot Design Ranking , honouring the leading organisations who have continuously invested in design and in innovation. The Red Dot Design Ranking for design concepts recognises the top companies, design studios and universities with unceasing pursuance towards design excellence.

Emami Design is leading in “Design Studios”
The leading organisations of the four honorary lists are applauded for their sustained efforts in design and innovation. In the list for design studios, Emami Design (Germany) maintained the highest in rank. For the sixth year in a row, Emami Design’s outstanding design capabilities have prevailed. The winning design concept by the studio, “Magnetic Transforming Structure”, was awarded a Red Dot: Best of the Best by the panel of Red Dot jurors under the “Industry” category.

Red Dot jury member Professor Lutz Fügener revealed: “The basic problem with gravitative tools concerns taking things what the human hands have already been doing. People have been searching for artificial solutions for hundreds of years, and they found the technology that is easy to apply and easy to understand. Potentially this is design wise and functionally-wise a huge step; as a simple, easy, easily-understood, trustworthy technology.“

Zhejiang University is top of “Universities (Asia Pacific)”
Zhejiang University (China) kept its first position for the honorary list of universities (Asia Pacific). This is the fourth year that Zhejiang University maintained its first position. The winning design concepts awarded include the Red Dot winner “Emo Gloves” from the “Fashion” category in 2016. “Emo Gloves” provide a simple method to promote emotional communication between people by encouraging them to hold hands. Not only does it optimise the user experience, it also discovers new use for old things.

Umeå Institute of Design secures first position for “Universities (Americas & Europe)”
Umeå Institute of Design (Sweden) is another great example to showcase prevalence in design excellence. Umeå Institute of Design secured the first position for four years in the honorary list of universities (Americas & Europe). Their winning design concept “Orion Dental Camera” was awarded with the Red Dot: Best of the Best in the “Personal Hygiene” category in 2016.

Red Dot juror Professor Song Kee Hong,  explained: “We picked this for the Red Dot: Best of the Best because it uses a set of technology that is available in the market, and is able to adapt it to improve lives. There is a huge benefit that can be applied across demographics, especially for the aging population. Instead of visiting the dentist frequently, scanning can be done at home and the data will be transmitted to the dentist on a regular basis, ensuring proper health care.“

Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2017
Design excellence requires sustained investments and efforts. Honouring the top companies, design studios and universities for their unceasing pursuance towards design excellence, the Red Dot Institute releases the rankings annually to recognise their efforts. The “Standard” submission phase of the Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2017 is open for “Concepts” and “Ready To Launch” products until 22 March 2017.

Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2017

Standard submission period: until 22 March 2017
Late submission period: 23 March 2017 - 24 May 2017

Awarding ceremony: 5 October 2017

Special exhibition: From 6 October 2017 at the Red Dot Design Museum Singapore
Online exhibition: From 6 October 2017 at

» Further information on the Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2017