
How to convince the Red Dot Jury: this is what the experts for communication design pay attention to

Once a year, the jury for the Red Dot Award: Communication Design meets. For several days, the 24 international experts evaluate all works which were entered in the design competition. Only projects that stand out with their design quality and creative performance, and convince the jurors, receive the Red Dot seal. During the evaluation, various aspects are taken into account. These vary depending on the type of project. In addition, due to their experience and respective cultural background, every jury member has his or her own expectations on the competition entries.

Wide range of adjudication criteria
The decision of the jury is based among others on the design concept, its implementation and the choice of medium. Besides originality and recognition value, the jurors also check whether the work gets the message across adequately towards the target group, and if it affects the viewer in an emotional and sustainable way.

Ideas and their implementation
Rainer Hirt from Germany is the sound design specialist in the jury. Being supervisor of various university research projects and co-founder of the Audio Branding Academy, he knows how important acoustic brand communication is. This is why he pays particular attention “to the idea, innovative power, implementation and quality of the works” during the evaluation process.

The effect of design
Fellow jury member Gustavo Greco works as a designer in Brazil. As a juror, “suitability and how the project changes the lives of those that come into contact with it (for the better)” are the most important things to him. Damon Aval, who was awarded with the Red Dot: Junior Prize in 2012, explains that less is more sometimes: “Good work doesn’t always need to surprise people or be a completely new idea. Sometimes, it is enough when it is simple and well thought through.”

A look under the surface
Johnason Lo is also part of the Red Dot Jury in 2018. For the branding expert, it is important that the projects are out of the ordinary, original and authentic: “The way they are able to express a certain feeling through design is what I pay special attention to.” The Taiwan-based designer continues explaining: “Based on its strengths, a design can surpass language and culture.” An elaborate creation features more than a beautiful appearance. Professor Shu-Chang Kung, chairman of the board for the Chinese Society of Interior Designers, about his standards: “I always try to find a perfect integration between art and business in a submission. On the one hand, it needs to create a strong scenario and image for the branding of the product, on the other hand it possesses a poetic meaning which adds that other dimension.”

Adjudication in teams
Following the leitmotiv “In search of good design and creativity”, the international experts evaluate all entries live and on site. Every single project is discussed individually. The members of the expert panel can arrive at a balanced decision, that takes the professional as well as intercultural aspects of a work into account, only as a team: “The aim of a good jury should be to see and to assess the entire context”, explains Swiss design expert and long-term jury member Jean Jacques Schaffner.

Red Dot Award: Communication Design 2018
Until 15 June, designers, agencies and manufacturers, who want to convince the jury with their know-how, run the chance to take part in the Red Dot Award: Communication Design 2018. In 17 categories, they can enter their works and projects in the international competition for communication design. The expert panel will meet again in July. This is when the entered works and projects will be under close scrutiny. Their makers may hope for receiving the Red Dot quality seal.