
Design meets technology: Exclusive exhibition on occasion of the CONVERGE 2016

On 20 and 21 September, the CONVERGE 2016 unites industrial designers, constructers, architects and product developers from all over the world in the Ruhr area. The new conference series initiated by the software company solidThinking takes place in the SAANA building in Essen, Germany and creates a platform for creative exchange. The two-day programme offers participants insights into topics such as design and development, product innovations and the use of the latest technologies. It furthermore describes challenges in the design process and shows up-to-date solutions as well as operations of product creations.

“Inspiration combined with the use of state-of-the-art design tools”

Professor Dr. Peter Zec, founder and CEO of Red Dot, is one of the keynote speakers of the lecture series: “Design is more than an appealing look. Depending on the application, a truly innovative and well-designed product brings balance to the qualities of function, seduction, use and, be it in a social or environmental sense, responsibility“, says the design expert. “Therefore, I am very happy to be presenting at the European Converge event because the Converge conference series focuses on the exciting symbiosis of design and technology, giving designers and product creators a new perspective on their work. Moving forward, especially in the competitive global product design market, real innovations can only derive from inspiration combined with the use of state-of-the-art design tools.”

“Think out of the box“

Following the conference, the Red Dot Design Museum Essen will present an exclusive special exhibition in cooperaion with solidThinking starting on 20 September 2016. On 150 square meters, outstanding design examples and product innovations from clients and conference speakers will be shown for two weeks. “The cooperation with the Red Dot Design Museum sets a totally new framework for a design-software conference. We want to inspire product developers to think out of the box and to take new pathes. This is possible when designers and developers start to take their cue from nature and create products that are not only aesthetically appealing but also functional and sustainable“, comments Dr. Lars Pursche, European Partner Director of solidThinking on the collaboration.

» Anyone interested can register for the CONVERGE 2016 here