
Communication design on the highest level: excellent sound design

The Red Dot Award: Communication Design 2017 is well underway. Agencies, designers and companies from all over the world are currently called upon to submit their well-designed and creative works and projects from the field of communication design. A total of 18 categories are available for participation, one of them is “Sound Design”. Innovative productions, e.g. for TV commercials or sound logos, draw attention to their messages in an auditive way and make strategically use of the positive impact of tone and melody. In 2016, in the category “Sound Design” the corporate signet “Deutsche Stimmklinik – The Voiceprint” and the audio branding “The Sound of UniCredit” were granted, among others, an award by the Red Dot Jury.

Transforming human voice into graphics
The corporate design for Deutsche Stimmklinik (German voice clinic), designed by Mutabor, uses the sound of the human voice in an innovative manner to create the clinic logo. At the clinic, the voice of every new patient is analysed and recorded in a multidimensional voice profile. With the aim of creating a distinctive logo, the designers worked closely together with the clinic in order to develop a process that allows the visualisation of this complex quantitative analysis. This process transforms the spectral voice information into a visual graphical pattern. As a result, all patients receive their individual voiceprint, which is as unique as their fingerprint. The logo of the clinic shows the voiceprint of its founder and initiator. The individual voiceprint of each patient is also part of the patient file, allowing easy identification of all patients through their own version of the clinic logo. For this outstanding achievement, “Deutsche Stimmklinik – The Voiceprint” received the Red Dot: Best of the Best.

A bridge between digital and traditional forms of banking
The UniCredit sound identity was developed by amp sound branding to bridge and humanise digital and traditional communication. At its heart lies the “You Are Welcome” brand theme, which serves as a basis for the development of a sound logo and additional sound elements. These can be heard anywhere – from the UEFA Champions League billboards to UniCredit’s online banking apps to local TV spots in all of the company’s markets. In this way, the Red Dot awarded sound identity “The Sound of UniCredit” serves not only as a bridge between digital and traditional forms of banking, but also as a unifier across national borders.

Red Dot Award: Communication Design 2017
For 25 years, the competition has provided agencies, designers and companies from all over the world a platform for evaluating their design and creative services. The “Regular” registration phase of the Red Dot Award: Communication Design 2017 ends on 15 May. Final deadline is 9 June 2017.

» Further information on the Red Dot Award: Communication Design 2017