Yak Wearable Smart Device

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In China, Yaks account for a large population of herd animals, especially in the Tibetan plateau. In order to maintain the Yak population, a solution is needed to address problems like losing Yaks to cliffs, lack of food, or an inbreeding population development crisis. Having a good Yak population would also help with the industrialisation of Yaks to promote the local economy, and alleviate poverty amongst the herdsmen. This intelligent Yak wearable device proposes a solution to the problem. Fixed around a Yak’s neck, the sensor on the back acquires information about the Yak’s health and life information and status, and uploads the data via satellite positioning and cloud technology. The collected data can then be sent through a computer analysis report to help maintain a healthy Yak population. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Ready to Launch | Flora & Fauna

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