Annual Report

“The venue (…) The Zeebelt is a major European theater with illustrious reputation.”

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Zeebelt is a theatre in The Hague that supports young talents with an independent spirit, challenging them to go beyond their limits in plays on current topics through performance, theatre, dance, film, music, art and animation. Following the claim on the cover that Zeebelt is a major European theatre with an illustrious reputation, the annual report was designed to catch attention despite a low budget. With the format of a newspaper and its green, yellow, blue and pink print against a coloured background, it arouses curiosity about the exciting mix of full-page photographs of the performances and the content, which is diverse and vividly illustrated. With quotations printed in capital letters and italics, which are further highlighted by a black frame, and with comprehensible diagrams relating to the facts and figures, the report communicates its content with a clear structure, and with its simple and unpretentious appeal, it is an appropriate voice for the young, ambitious theatre. Statement by the jury »The Zeebelt annual report succeeds to illustrate and convey the high standard and quality of the theatre in a consistent manner. Its diverse, experimental character is met with a colourful mix of expressive photography and clear typography, conveying a strong presence and vibrancy.«

Red Dot: Best of the Best

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