magazines & daily press

Quart Heft für Kultur Tirol Nr. 15/10

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Quart is a cultural magazine published biannually in Innsbruck. Focusing on a strong regional footage and showcasing images and texts produced exclusively for the relevant edition, the magazine has another special asset in store: each volume comes with an “original supplement” – exclusive pieces of art which directly appeal to the enthusiastic collectors among the readership. The cover pages are a designated “art zone”, with the title usually occupying only a minimum of space. The magazine’s underlying design principle was created by chemist and typographer Walter Pamminger, who interprets book design as a conscious arrangement of reading spaces: all right-hand pages are reserved exclusively for text edited in a clearly legible style, while the opposite pages leave space for an “echo” of free associations and cross connections. In volume 15, this echo space presents several graphical analyses in black and white. This high-profile magazine, each volume of which features a cover created by a contemporary artist, also has the courage to leave a double-page or two almost untouched, except for a minimal highlight near the centrefold. Statement by the jury »The magazine Quart represents more than the branding of a region. It is the manifestation of a true statement both in terms of content and design: it follows a highly individual approach in presenting the culture of the region and, at the same time, complements it by self-sufficient thoughts and images that open up an entirely independent level.«
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