Mirage is inspired by a Bauhaus brochure that was published back in 1926, which features a user in a levitated seated position. The design experiment idealises a vision of a non-object that is structured by air, questioning what that could be. As an outdoor stool, Mirage explores the third dimension, to eventually detach the mirror from the wall and give it a full status of an object, while validating its principles of reflection, to master the visual impact of a mirror, and to consider the object’s relationship with its user and environment.
Mirage also explores the identity of an outdoor stool in a public space by experimenting with shadow silhouettes and a single material to see how a curved form could potentially give the illusion of levitation. The outdoor stool would be constructed with a 2mm stainless-steel sheet, laser cut before it is bent and welded together, then bolted down. A brushed finishing is applied to the top of the stool, which graduates into a mirror-polished finishing in the bottom half.
Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Public Space