Amblyopic Training Book

Lazy Eye – Interesting exploration through the visual design

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“Lazy Eye” is an early remedy education book series with playful modules for training children with amblyopic visual impairment, specially developed for the treatment period from 3 to 6 years. The picture books are divided into two episodes and are complemented by a toolbox with a set of cards, various cubes or beads to thread onto a chain. The plot of the book ties in with a number of common basic trainings for amblyopia and uses bright, colourful pictures and lively stories to arouse children’s curiosity and thus encourage their engagement in treatment. The protagonist of the story wears a blindfold on one eye – for the children, who are thus invited to empathise and identify with him, this blindfold helps to reduce feelings of discomfort or fear and even rejection of blindfolded treatment. As the story is read aloud, the amblyopic children can help the detectives in the story with practical exercises to solve puzzles by tracing intricate lines with their fingers, assembling a picture from puzzle pieces or rolling dice according to certain numbers – thus strengthening their eyesight in a playful and interactive way.

Begründung der Jury

This set of interactive textbooks and other building blocks is fascinating because of the wealth of ideas and the variety of the individual building blocks, which are all designed with an extremely appealing clarity. Children suffering from amblyopic visual impairment can thus experience a promising training in a playful way that takes away their fear of blindfold treatment. As an excellently thought-out and implemented tool, this book can both enrich the health sector in the long term and support parents.

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