iPad App

Kia Rio

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This iPad application presents the Kia Rio with its broad range of talents and abilities. It gives users the chance to get to know this compact car, which, alongside innovative convenience features and eco-friendly powertrains, also possesses a dynamic exterior as well as an elegantly designed interior, through a range of comprehensive features as well as photo and video galleries. Both the exterior and the interior of the car are presented in 360-degree panorama views that allow zooming and tilting. Furthermore, a customisation tool allows users to see the new model in all available colours and with all wheel options. Thanks to interactive virtual reality clips, a wide range of the Rio’s innovative features can be previewed and experienced: thus users are shown how the air conditioner works when they set a specific temperature, while different shots of the trunk demonstrate the trunk’s spaciousness. Not only all performance details, but also the sensation of driving the car, including road handling, agility and safety aspects are conveyed by this app in an entertaining and exciting manner. Statement by the jury »The Kia Rio iPad app piques curiosity and invites users to discover this compact car within various presentation media. The application is fun to use, easy to understand and operates and presents itself in a design that reflects the sporting dynamic characteristics of the Rio.«

Red Dot: Best of the Best

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