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According to research, integrating sensory integration training with a child’s daily sport training effectively enhances dopamine secretion. This would improve concentration in ADHD children, as well as improving their ADHD core symptoms. GOGOAL is a system designed for ADHD children that integrates in-house visual perception training. When paired with parent-child gaming processes, GOGOAL enhances a child’s motivation to learn and his/her family relationship. These processes are also able to boost the effectiveness of treatment, thus reducing treatment length and the risk of long-term medication for children. The GOGOAL system is effective because of the following characteristics: It provides immediate feedback to capture the child’s interest; the training for the child is easily continued at home at a professional standard to improve the effectiveness of therapy; the modularity of the system increases play variety and maximises play complexity to stimulate imagination and achieve 10 different kinds of training goals. In addition, with the support of an APP that captures and analyses training data, parents can easily monitor and manage the child’s progress. Lastly, GOGOAL is a flexible system that can be easily adjusted at any time to tailor to the growth of a child. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Education

Red Dot

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