Poster Series


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The poster series “Empathy” focuses on the subject of empathy and thus on the ability to feel with other people and see things from their perspective, as well as to accept oneself just as others. The different illustrations aim to show ways how to counteract antagonism, hatred and discrimination. Against a grey background, each poster visualises a human gesture in simple strokes that can be recognised as a hug, mutual understanding or the feeling of tolerance. In addition to black and white, the only colour used is orange, which stands for the warmth and the energy that flows through hands and arms to support each other and to give one another courage and strength. The titles in combination with the Chinese characters “bao”, “na” and “rong” get to the heart of the message of empathy in a simple and vivid manner.

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This poster series convinces with a distinctive minimalist imagery that communicates the notions of empathy, security and tolerance. The underlying message of how to counteract discrimination and hatred is expressed in the reduced and subtly designed illustrations and complemented by simple word messages in a highly harmonious and convincing manner.

Red Dot: Best of the Best

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