Gewinner des Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2018, geehrt bei der Preisverleihung in Singapur
Cradle of Life
CRADLE OF LIFE integrates biotechnology with mycelium to create an eco-friendly burial box. Its cocoon-inspired design symbolises life’s cycle, providing emotional support by transforming ashes into compost and germinating seeds. The box’s resizable structure suits various pets and burial preferences. Developed through extensive experimentation, it ensures stable mycelium growth, offering a positive, sustainable way to remember pets.
Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Pet Care, Furniture and Accessories
University:Southwest Jiaotong University, China
Team Lead:Zhang Li
Designers:Zhang Li, Zhi Jinyi, Wang Chao, Liu Yaling, Liu Zhengnan, Chen Junge, Cong Wenzhou, Tang Yuan, Chen Yuxi
Company:Sichuan Institute of Edible Lungi, China
Team Lead:Tang Jie
Designers:Wang Yong, Tang Jie, Liu Lixu