Promotional Videos

Brave! Factory Festival

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Although Ukraine’s electronic music scene is flourishing with plenty of new pinpoint events taking place every single month, there is only one firmly established name, the Brave! Factory Festival. Featuring a unique line-up that unites musicians, artists and music lovers from all over the world, the 48-hour festival turns the entire venue of an abandoned factory into one pumping organism. This symbolism is also used in the videos of an advertising campaign. Various areas in the factory serve as stages for common life situations, such as shopping at a grocery store, dining at a fine restaurant or training on an indoor bike in a fitness centre. Placed into the scenery of the abandoned factory like alien objects, they bring the factory back to life. And as if this were not enough contrast and irritation already, the characters featuring in the commercials look and behave quite normal on the outside, but they all speak a fantasy language that is made up entirely of the DJ and artist names from the festival line-up.

Begründung der Jury

The notable promotional videos of the Brave! Factory Festival inspire on three levels. First, the storytelling, or the way a music festival is communicated here, is absolutely unusual; second, the implementation from the actors to the exact locations of the staging is well done; and third, the sense of humour is fantastic. The presentation and the scenes are so surreal, they immediately pique curiosity and make viewers laugh.

Red Dot: Best of the Best

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