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BOHOH is a compact school bag that doubles up as a safety kit for children if disaster suddenly strikes. It holds a child's essential items, but more important, it is also a safety helmet, a mask and a location tracker. Since it looks and works just like a backpack, it is easy to keep the safety kit around a child at all times so that it is accessible whenever required. Its lily-shaped form is also appealing to a child. BOHOH is also intuitive for a child, who will learn how to use the backpack as a safety kit and react to a sudden disaster situation. As a helmet, it fully protects a child's head from falling objects. On the buckle of the helmet, a tiny GPS allows teachers and parents to find the location of their children through an application. BOHOH is a great way to help children protect themselves. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Childhood

Red Dot

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