A Singing Desk
A Singing Desk reinterprets a musical instrument into a beautiful piano-furniture for your interiors. The idea behind this desk is to make a basic piano unit that is fundamentally simple and beautiful. This basic unit can then be fitted with different legs or shelves and dressed to suit different furnishing needs to create interesting combinations of fashionable home furniture designs. Since architecture, interior and design reflect the way we live, the music instrument of tomorrow can be made part of these cultural expressions that we all seek.
This Desk version of the piano-furniture series comprises a top panel that works like a piano lid and a table top at the same time. When it is closed, the furniture works as a small home office unit. The lid, when opened, works like a note stand with a recessed area for the piano scores. The panel that wraps around the body creates a more voluminous piece of furniture and gives it complexity in structure. Things stored behind the keyboard on the shelf stay on the piano when one is opening the lid.
The ‘Mono Desk’ style in particular, set in a sleek modern design, is the most basic version of this series of piano-furniture. All the elements of A Singing Desk have dual functions that extend the instrument into something that has other functions in the house – a small home office table, small storage unit, a decorative panel, and much more. We have taken the piano and turned it into a fashion element combined with strong versatile functionality. This will potentially and considerably enlarge the customer base because now consumers are buying so much more than just a piano.
Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Furniture
Company:Mexarts Household Group Co., Ltd, China
Design Lead:Zheng Xiaojuan
Design:Hans Thyge Raunkjer